HomeFamily & Living18 House Plants That Can Grow Easily in Water

18 House Plants That Can Grow Easily in Water

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Are you a budding plant mom? Or do you have a green thumb? Or are you someone who is trying to get into a habit of caring for plants? Have you ever wondered what kind of plants can grow indoors? More specifically, do you know there are a few kinds of house plants that can grow easily in water? The result, embracing the beauty of your living room. Well, you are in luck today.

Down below, I have shared a list of house plants that can grow easily indoors with just a little bit of water. 

1. African Violets


Botanical Name: Saintpaulia ionantha

Growing an African violet in water from leaves is usually a good way to develop a clone of the parent plant, even though some multicolor violets will yield plants with solid color flowers. Choose fresh, healthy leaves to establish new African violet plants. To keep the leaf hanging and dry, cut off about two inches of the stem and place it in a narrow-necked container. The formation of roots takes about a month. A small plantlet with its crown will form over time.

2. Baby’s Tears

Baby's Tears

Botanical Name: Soleirolia soleirolii

On creeping plants, Baby’s Tears plants have a multitude of little leaflets that produce a dense yet delicate trailing carpet. Pinch off a handful of stems, roots, and all, and see how quickly this plant adjusts to growing in water. Because the stems of baby’s tears plants have so many leaves, leaves that are constantly drenched may rot. Allow the water level to fall after the roots are well-formed. The plant receives hydration and changes the water weekly to remove any floating leaves.

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3. Spiderwort


Botanical name: Tradescantia

More than any other low-maintenance plant, spiderwort plants fill a color hole in the houseplant collection. The zebra-striped and purple-leafed cultivars are also well-suited to indoor living and would make a lovely focal point in a room with moderate lighting. If you’ve ever pruned a spiderwort plant and noticed that a stray clipping sprang back to life a few weeks later, you know how easy it is for these plants to thrive in water. If you look closely, you can see root nubs preparing to grow at the leaf nodes of a spiderwort stem. The plants will thrive in your home if you put some stems in a mason jar or a vase of water.

4. Coleus


Botanical Name: Plectranthus Scutellarioides

With its brilliant and serrated leaves, Coleus will be the most striking addition to glasses and jars. Because it prefers indirect light, you can keep it as a tabletop centerpiece in a wine glass or elegant mason jar filled with water.

Tip: The addition of compost tea to the water will assist their growth.

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5. Philodendron


Botanical Name: Philodendron

Of all the philodendron species, the heart-leaf philodendron is the most water-tolerant. In a bright indirect light situation, keep a 6-inch slice in a transparent glass jar or bowl. If you replace the water every 3-4 days, it will continue to grow.

Tip: Mix some charcoal into the water to prevent rot and algae growth.

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6. English Ivy

English Ivy

Botanical Name: Hedera helix

English ivy might be your next indoor water garden plant. Its cuttings can be preserved for a long period in vases. To enjoy, snip all the bottom leaves off an ivy stem and set it in a glass jar on a sunny ledge.

7. Lucky Bamboo

Lucky Bamboo

 Botanical Name: Dracaena sanderiana

Because of its forgiving nature, the fortunate bamboo is one of the best indoor water plants. Narrow vases, depending on the size of the plant, are ideal. Make sure the roots are thoroughly submerged in the water, then around them with gravel to keep them in place.

8. Ornamental Sweet Potato

Ornamental Sweet Potato

Botanical Name: Ipomoea batatas

A decorative sweet potato vine in a glass jar adds a tropical flair to your kitchen windowsill. Remove the lower leaves and half-submerged a pair of 6 to 8-inch stems below the leaf node. If you continuously change the water, it will grow.

9. Pothos


Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

Pothos, with its glossy heart-shaped foliage, is another option to consider. If cultivated in water in a transparent fishbowl and kept on a shelf, cascading pothos leaves will look magnificent. Replace the water every several days to maintain the optimum oxygen level.

10. Paperwhite


Botanical Name: Narcissus papyraceus

Paperwhite narcissus bulbs can be coaxed to bloom by growing them in water. For this, get a glass terrarium and fill it halfway with seashells and gravels. Position the bulbs carefully and cover half of them with these gravels to hold them in place. Fill the terrarium with water until it reaches the base of the bulbs, but not so much that they are wet. That’s all there is to it; leave them in a bright spot for 4-5 weeks, and they’ll start to bloom.

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11. Chinese Evergreen & Dumbcane

Chinese Evergreen & Dumbcane

Botanical Name: Aglaonema & Dieffenbachia

The variegated and leathery leaves of the dumb cane and Chinese evergreen plant have a silvery pattern and can be planted in the water. You may simply propagate the cuttings in a glass vase filled with little aquarium rocks. After a few months, when the roots have sprouted and grown larger, transplant them into the soil.

12. Begonia


Botanical Name: Begonia

Begonias, like impatiens, can be cultivated in water. In a clear bowl, they’ll last about two months before starting to fade. Replace the water once a week to keep the begonia cuttings from decaying.

13. Spider Plant

Spider Plant

Botanical Name: Chlorophytum Comosum

Spider plants are particularly charming because of their slender arching foliage and small spiderettes. You can either preserve the cuttings in a glass container or transplant them to a different pot after they have rooted. Every two to three days, replace the water.

14. Impatiens


Botanical Name: Impatiens Walleriana

Impatiens can survive in water for a long time. After removing the bottom leaves, submerge the cut ends in water. Once they have established long roots, transplant them into pots. This way, newer impatiens will be ready promptly.

15. Arrowhead Plant

Arrowhead Plant

Botanical Name: Syngonium Podophyllum

Like other climbers and vining plants, the arrowhead plant is quite easy to grow indoors in water. If you maintain adding new water twice a week, it will continue to grow. If desired, you can transplant the cutting into potting soil once it has produced new roots.

16. Croton


Botanical Name: Codiaeum Variegatum

Croton has the brightest foliage of any indoor plant. While it may not grow permanently in water, you can use this method to root its cuttings.

17. Wandering Jew

Wandering Jew

Botanical Name: Tradescantia pallida, Tradescantia fluminensis, Tradescantia zebrina

Wandering Jews are tough, weed-like plants that flourish in hot climates. Purple and variegated species are particularly appealing as houseplants. The best part is that you can grow them in water in terrariums.

18. Dracaena


Botanical Name: Dracaena

Indoor dracaenas can survive in water in a variety of ways. Glass jugs and narrow jars work nicely for them. Just make sure you’re drinking water that’s devoid of chlorine and fluoride. Also, change the water in the jar every two to three weeks if it becomes mushy or hazy.

So, there you have it, a list of some indoor plants that are easy to grow in water. Choose the plant that you think would best suit your space, and you will applaud yourself.

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An artistic personality with a flair for reading and writing as I like to believe that the novelty of them endows with creation and satisfaction. In a nutshell, a person who will choose books over anything else.

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