HomeLife8 Important Steps To Achieve Your Dreams

8 Important Steps To Achieve Your Dreams

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Everybody has dreams, but for some, they are slightly harder to reach than others. It is important in life to create dreams and goals for the future so that you have some kind of guidance. It means you can gradually plan your life path in order to achieve your goals.

Just to show you that big dreams are achievable: I myself selected a number of goals that I aim to achieve within a year – I believe it is a good idea to put a time goal on your dreams so that you can be more realistic about reaching them, this also makes you more determined.

One of my biggest previous life goals was to spend time working in America, I had never been before, and this was something I dreamed of doing. With some hard work and research, I was able to find the best way to do this, and I was lucky enough to spend 6 months working at a camp in America, and it was the best thing I have ever done! So, it just shows that you really can make anything possible if you know how to.

Sometimes goals seem more like a typical ‘dream’ that will not come true; however, with the right tactic, I know that you will be able to make a good go of achieving them.

So, to help you out a little bit, I came up with some steps that I believe are important and that have helped me in the past with achieving my personal goals. So, let us dive in!

Step 1: Write them down

Writing your goals and dreams down is the best thing you can do to start off. Once you see something on paper, you are more likely to stick to it (apparently). I do believe this works, so it is worth trying it if you are someone who likes to keep things in your mind.

I believe a journal is the best place to start with. I have recently gifted myself a bullet journal, and trust me; it is the best thing! Not only do I get to be creative, but it gives me a place to write down everything I need to remember.

Step 2: Do your research

So, after writing your goals down, the next step is figuring out what you need to do to get there. For example, suppose your goal is blogging related, and you want to increase your website traffic. In that case, you will search for ways on Google to find the best ways to increase website traffic.


Step 3: Create a plan

Once you have all the ideas and know the best ways to reach your goal, you can also figure out the best way to adapt these methods to your current timetable. Write out a plan and a weekly diary is something that helped me massively. I even created my own yearly planner that turned out to be 86 pages long, which included everything I needed to get through the year and achieve my goals.

Step 4: Set time aside

You cannot achieve your goals without giving the right amount of time to them. Everybody has different priorities so make sure you stick to what is essential. The good idea is to write down your 24 hours of the day, say you sleep for 8 hours, then have 16-hour lefts, say oh work for another 8, and have 8 hours left. This is an activity that we get given a lot of universities to make time for our revision. So, make the most of this time.

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Make sure you do give yourself time to chill time. This is so so important as you do not want a burnout. It also means you will be more refreshed when you get back to it all. Getting the right work-life balance is key.

Step 5: Put in the work

Productivity is key. You will not be able to manifest it without actually putting the work in. By this, I mean you need to stick to your plan and make sure you carry out all the actions needed for success. 

Also Read: 5 Powerful Tips to Stay Healthy and Productive While Working From Home

Step 6: Make it realistic

It is not a great idea if you are setting such unrealistic goals, as it will not feel good when you do not reach them, and it will discourage you. Set your goals in moderation.

With this in mind, do not compare your success to other peoples. If you have the same goals as someone else, you will not achieve them at the same rate as someone else; everyone is different!

Step 7: Keep your mind clear!

Make sure you look after yourself and keep your mind clear. Self-care is most important before anything else. Look after your body, keep your skin glowing and stay healthy. Make sure you schedule time into your day where you can relax and forget about any plans and timetables you have. It means when you do come back to working on your goals, you will feel refreshed and ready to go.

Step 8: Believe you can do it

The last and most important step is believing in yourself! YOU CAN DO IT! The worst thing you can do is give up on your goals. If you put in the effort, you will get there whether it takes you 2 days or 2 years. 

Manifest it, and you never know what you are capable of!

Final thoughts on achieving your dreams

One of my top tips is to stop comparing yourself to other people as everyone is different and everyone grows at their own pace. This will be the biggest help to get you motivated if you are doing this for yourself. If you reach your goals slower than someone else, then keep at it, and eventually, you will get there!

Just take these steps one at a time, and you will be fine!

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Amber Pagehttps://theunpredictedpage.com/about/
Amber Page is a student blogger who runs a lifestyle blog called the Unpredicted Page. She writes about Healthy Living, life advice and a little bit of blogging tips.

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