HomeLife5 Easiest Ways To Kill Ego

5 Easiest Ways To Kill Ego

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Well, it says: “Destroy your illusions so you can see reality, destroy your fears so you can take risks, destroy your ego so you can see life.” Yes, Ego prevents you from seeing the very essence of living. 

Ego can affect everything in your life; your relationship, your career, and your most important moments in life. Particularly the moments that you are supposed to share and celebrate with others.

Don’t ever imagine that Ego will show your real value; quite the contrary, it will summon every “unwanted” trait in your personality to represent YOU! Most importantly, you have to know that Ego doesn’t ask permission to be part of your charisma; in fact, you will deny your Ego at the beginning.

It’s just sneaking up on your personality, and then a little by little, it takes the lead of your charisma. 

I know while reading this; you are asking yourself; Do I have that “ugly thing” in my personality!!? How can I know that? And most importantly, how can I get rid of it!!?   

Well, we bring this article to you to answer the previous questions and provides you with the best and easy to swallow ways to Kill Ego: 

1. Admit it:

This is the very first crucial thing you must do to kill the Ego, to admit its presence. Denying Ego’s presence is the first “sure sign” that you suffer from that thing, but your Ego prevents you from admitting! The good news is that ego “easy to diagnose” case. Here are some questions to answer so you can diagnose yourself:

  • Are you jealous of others’ success? 
  • Do you think that you are the best who deserves a promotion, more money, a better job, etc.? 
  • Do you believe that you are the one who knows more when you chitchat with your friends or colleagues? Oh, you just said Yes for all the questions! Good, you just admit that you have Ego!! Congrats, this is the first step to kill the Ego. 

2. Be realistic: 

You aren’t the center of this universe! There are many things you can’t control, or you can’t be part of. So, take a deep breath and hold your horses just a little bit. Being realistic means to understand what can be done and what can’t be done in real-life situations and have faith in yourself and others to pursue measurable and achievable ideas in life.  

Therefore, enjoy knowing new people with different skills and abilities; maybe they are better than you in certain areas but also believe that you are better in other areas. I mean, you have to celebrate with other people when they achieve their dreams in life and also share your success with them. Otherwise, you won’t feel the real beauty of this life.

3. Read More: 

To kill the Ego and live a happy life. You are reading more particularly about the essence of life and its meaning, stories of ascetics and wise people, and even about good morals and humanity. All of that will teach you more about humankind’s fact and reminds you that we won’t be immortal; life is a journey, so make sure to be a good traveler. Reading adds to you new and valuable concepts to understand and expand your perception of this universe. In short, reading and have knowledge will make you despise or at least underestimate the value of material things compared to the spiritual value.   

4. Practice Yoga: 

Yoga has been known for its benefits in developing positive personality traits since its inception. Also, practicing yoga alone every day and meditate to listen to the world intently and calmly will help you to be relaxed and easy-going with people and life situations so you won’t need “ego” to feel more confident or to show your superiority because you own the faith and feeling of satisfaction and internal peace.

5. Be grateful:

Appreciate everything in your life, be grateful for the presence of your parents, family, friends, your job, colleagues. Show your respect and admiration for important people and even important things in life. Never hesitate to say thank you when someone helps you, apologize when you make a mistake, congratulate your colleagues when one of them got a promotion.

Just try to be happy for others and practice doing that in every situation in life. This way, you get the Ego out of your way, so you will notice that the feeling of envy, pride, and greed have vanished gradually, and peace has settled down in your heart and brain.

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Jeremy Onghttps://www.hustlr.com/
I'm Jeremy Ong, blogger at HUSTLR - where I write about my entrepreneurial journey and help people hustle better. The websites I own as a whole bring in about 60,000 visitors, 3,000 email leads, and close to 1,000 conversions each month. I've been featured on BestCompany, Vice and Thrive Global, Forbes, and many other publications

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