HomeSex & RelationshipsCan You Lose Weight With Coffee Diet

Can You Lose Weight With Coffee Diet

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Coffee is one of the most popular and widely consumed beverages worldwide. The benefits of coffee on our health have been recognized long ago. Evidence suggests that coffee accelerates digestion and prevents several chronic diseases. Coffee is definitely safe when consumed in moderation.  

Coffee for weight loss

When it comes to following the coffee diet for weight loss, moderation is the key, and excess caffeine may have side effects. It is believed that black coffee can be a great pre-workout drink that keeps you energized during exercise. To make sure you shed some weight by following the proper diet, understand certain factors about your favorite beverage. 

As long as you consume coffee in limited amounts and don’t drink it first thing in the morning, it can offer many health benefits. 

What is a Coffee Diet?

The coffee diet is a new weight loss diet plan that’s rapidly gaining popularity. There is no limit to your coffee intake in this diet, provided you take a minimum of 3 cups at least.

You should avoid eating a high-calorie diet and also processed foods.

study was conducted on some overweight and normal-weight volunteers in Athens, Greece. It was found that drinking coffee had an appetite suppressant effect on participants who were overweight. 

Another new trend has started related to coffee. It is a concoction of coffee and protein powder known as “Protein coffee.” It gives you the dual benefit of coffee and protein and can be beneficial for people who want to lose weight without compromising on lean muscle mass. 

How Does Coffee Initiate Weight Loss?

  •  Coffee Increases Metabolic Rate – Caffeine in coffee increases the metabolic rate of the body. Studies have found that caffeine can increase the metabolic rate while at rest, by 3-11%. 
  •  Coffee Increases Thermogenesis – Brown fat contains more mitochondria than white fat. These mitochondria burn calories and produce heat. Coffee stimulates this brown fat breakdown resulting in burning more calories, which ultimately leads to weight loss.
  •  Coffee Suppresses Appetite and Food Cravings – Coffee contains a phytochemical called chlorogenic acid that has been shown to be effective in decreasing hunger.
  • May Increase Workout Performance – Caffeine in coffee falls under the category of central nervous system stimulant. It improves mood and restores alertness by blocking enzyme adenosine that is responsible for drowsiness and fatigue. Caffeine reduces the perceived exertion during exercise and helps you exercise more. The more you work out, the better is your weight loss. 

How Much Coffee Should you Drink for Weight Loss?

It is estimated that up to 400mg of caffeine a day is safe for most. This is equivalent to approximately four cups of brewed coffee. However, when your coffee consumption is for weight loss, a minimum of three cups of caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee without cream or sugar is advised.

The meals you consume, along with it, should be low in calories and fat. Add an adequate amount of vegetables, fruits, and grains to your diet. It works in two ways. Coffee decreases appetite and increases metabolic rate, thus helping you lose weight.

The Downside of Coffee Diet

Even though coffee is packed with healthy antioxidants, this kind of diet with excess coffee consumption has several downsides.

  • Excess caffeine intake can lead to high blood pressure.
  • Caffeine is diuretic and may result in excess loss of body fluid through urine. This may lead to electrolyte imbalance leading to hypokalemia (a condition in which potassium levels drop too much compared to sodium).
  • Being a stimulant, excess coffee can lead to insomnia and, in worse cases, depression.
  • High caffeine intake is also associated with bone fractures and osteoporosis.

Although excessive coffee drinking is harmful, a diet with a maximum of 4 cups has shown benefits without side effects.

Are Caffeine Pills Better than Coffee for Reducing Weight?

Caffeine pills are supplements that are made from caffeine for convenience. Some contain natural caffeine, whereas others synthetic or artificial caffeine. When taken as per instructions, it can provide you with all the benefits of caffeine.

Usually, one caffeine pill contains approximately 100-200 mg of caffeine. However, it may have a delayed action as it needs time to release its content in your body. Considering the limitations of caffeine consumption, two pills a day should suffice the requirement.

Caffeine Pills vs. Coffee

  • People who do not like the taste of coffee can also benefit from it without sipping coffee.
  • Caffeine pills help avoid increased acidity and heartburn that often happens from coffee.
  • Coffee contains coffee oils: cafestol, and kahweol which has shown to increase blood cholesterol. Caffeine pills being devoid of it, do not pose a similar problem.
  • Caffeine pills give you an energy boost without adding to your calories. In contrast, coffee with cream and sugar may add to it.

If you can use caffeine pills correctly, it will benefit you in several ways. Just remember not to overdo it and abide by the package instructions.

The Final Note

A coffee diet can do more good than harm if you don’t exceed the maximum amount. Its beneficial antioxidants can protect you from damage due to free radicals, help you stay alert and active, and can benefit people with type 2 diabetes.

On top of that, it aids your weight loss process by decreasing your appetite and controlling your food cravings.

If you are searching for new ways to weight loss, this is worth a try.

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Anju Mobin
Anju Mobin is a certified nutritionist with a 3-year graduate degree in B.Sc. Home Science (Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics). With an additional 4-year graduate degree in Fine Arts (BFA Applied Arts), she combines her passion for advertising with her knowledge of the health industry to create, develop, and execute content marketing campaigns for healthcare products.

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