HomeLifeStop Making Excuses In Life About Not Having Enough Money

Stop Making Excuses In Life About Not Having Enough Money

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On average, people have four thoughts a second. Those thoughts can take you on an emotional roller coaster without you even realizing it. The reality is that we live daily with the subconscious and conscious thought programming that has been drilled into us from a young age.

The Excuse Paradigm 

We remember a small fraction of an event and then make up the rest of the experience. If I am a person who lives with the philosophy such as “I feel like I failed this time, but I’m going to try my best to succeed again,.” This is a mindset that can create change in your life that is consistent and effective.

However, if you think you can never have what you want and you’ve developed a victim mentality, and honestly. It will feel like a slap in the face, but I can’t imagine that you will ever get what you really, truly desire.

Are you Part Of The Statistic?

1.5 billion women around the world each year give up on their hopes and dreams because they believe they are not worth it.

How does this relate to not having enough money, and why do I always look at social media and dream of living like Kim Kardashian with my own Skims collection?

I’m complaining about my lack of money and not motivated to do anything that will get me to live out my dreams?

Studies show as humans; we come up with 182 excuses a month – the sheer brainpower to overcome those processes involves a substantial amount of work.

So, if 48 % of people complain they don’t have enough money, is money really the problem? Aren’t we dealing with self-sabotage infused with confidence issues?

What Is The Underlying Issue?

Deep down, the majority of people are suffering from feelings that are truly painful without realising and not believing that they deserve to have what they want in the first place, having a lack of self-worth. They may even hate themselves just a little like you hate your excuses.

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It comes down to the same thing every time. You and your relationship with yourself. Are you the type of person who really wants to change, or is that for other people?

Did you ever stop to think that your lack of self-belief is showing up in multiple areas of your life? You tell yourself stories on a loop that you’re not smart enough, good looking, or successful enough.

Those thoughts are a melting pot of the lowest level of self-love and projection. Your perception of whatever you have seen or experienced with your outlook, whether it be positive or negative, has now set up your standard for how you choose to live your life.

Getting stuck and procrastinating on your so-called excuses is easier than actually facing your home truths that you so deeply inside you think you’re not worth it and you never will be.

The Inner Critic

The narratives we feed ourselves are interesting, for they are simply stories, not the actual truth. Our experience via our Inner Critic is designed to keep us safe and living a simple life where there is no danger of getting hurt. The Inner Critic is that voice inside our heads that we hear a lot; it’s deep, dark, and your worst enemy.

The voice will tell you it’s hard, not easy, It’s really bad & awful, and will poke fun at you in your most fearful moments when really the support you need is a positive cheerleader who has your back to bring you out of your shell to thrive.

Also Read: The Secret to a Happy, Healthy, and Successful Life

If you could imagine being taken hostage, that’s your inner critic – We must own that we have the power to change in any instance.

This voice is developed in childhood through discussions with parents, relatives, and caregivers. A set of limiting beliefs starts to develop about yourself depending on how much you were nurtured or what negative stories have been passed on to you. When it’s time to go out into the world as an adult, the same sensibilities remain but far stronger, trapping progression in their lives, hopes, and dreams.

What Choice will you Choose?

It’s a choice to stay comfortable to have limiting beliefs, and it’s a choice to accept this is the person you have become.

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When you decide that your excuses are worthless, you place more emphasis on what really matters.

You Matter! It’s building your confidence and working on your self-respect that will uncover your greatest achievements in life. Uncovering Your Inner Critic & managing it is like losing the weight off your shoulders and finding the pathway to breaking up with excuses. You are worthy, and change is available at this moment right now.

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Nicole Rosenfield
Nicole Rosenfield is an NLP & Timeline Therapy Practitioner who helps women overcome their negative self-talk that has become destructive on their minds and bodies. Nicole created a high-end coaching business that rapidly improves women’s lives beyond what they ever thought possible for themselves. Her career spans over twenty years in the beauty industry with a wealth of experience in the coaching and public speaking arena.

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