HomeWellnessEmbrace The Big M: In Light of Oprah Winfrey's Conversation on ‘The...

Embrace The Big M: In Light of Oprah Winfrey’s Conversation on ‘The Menopause Talk’

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Author’s note

This topic has a very deep meaning to me as I myself have a mother who is approaching this phase of menopause, and I have interviewed women who have overcome this challenging journey by re-discovering their resilience in them. However, it is still treated as a stigma in our society that urgently needs eradication. This existing stigma is preventing women from discovering their feminine nature. I hope this article helps you to become more aware of the symptoms and consequences of menopause. 

Wishing you a great perusal 🙂

Here is the link for your reference 


Perimenopause is the early phase of menopause and is around when your body begins to transition to adjust to the new phase. Common recorded symptoms of menopause are but not limited to period variations, night sweats, hot flashes, insomnia and vaginal dryness. 

The Diagnosis 

Tests are often not vital for diagnosing menopause; however, in some cases, doctors suggest blood tests check the level of Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estrogen, as they generally suffer alterations during menopause. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is also checked, as hypothyroidism can result from symptoms resembling the signs of menopause.

How does menopause affect your heart?

Estrogen is a very important hormone that protects different parts of your body like the heart, blood vessels, veins, skin and vagina. These parts of the body could all be affected by decrease in the levels of estrogen due to menopause. Moreover, estrogen safeguards the arteries in the heart, and subsequently, after the diagnosis, women are at an increased risk of circulatory or heart diseases. Therefore, menopause causes heart palpitation due to changing hormone levels in the body. 

The Menopause Talk & Quiz

During the conversation, Oprah revealed that she suffered from heart palpitations and dullness while trying to navigate menopause. She discussed her issues with multiple doctors, but nobody ever suggested once that this could be menopause. Oprah stated in the conversation on ‘The Menopause Talk’ that menopause has always been shrouded in stigma and shame

“The menopause train is coming no matter what,” Winfrey said, emphasizing that no one can “outfox the ‘Big M.’

The conversation was also joined by Drew Barrymore, Sharon Malone, MD, Heather Hirsch and Maria Shriver. Oprah Daily also launched a menopause guide; check it out here. The menopause quiz is also available here. Share it with your loved ones and help them to embrace the big M. 


Our mothers were there for us when we reached menstruation; now it’s time for us to help them embrace the big M. 

Together, let’s thrive!!

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Neelima ks
This is Neelima, she is a bookworm and an aspiring journalist. She is also a passionate writer, believes it’s a form of art that peels off her soul which soaks up knowledge and wisdom. Her favourite genre is historical-fiction, along with a steamy cup of strong coffee. She embraces sea-breathe and worships the sea god Poseidon, loves to slip her feet beneath the turquoise water even though she isn’t a swimmer.

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