What could be a better way to make things interesting and learn something new about your partner when you are both getting super bored?
You have been on many dates, learned yoga together, and joined the pottery class; now, what’s next?
What if I tell you there are some intriguing questions you can ask your partner just to know them a little better.
Indeed, the best couples are the ones who always evolve together and as individuals. Asking your partner such funny, sexual, and thought-provoking questions can be very positive to strengthen the relationship. In addition to discovering more about each other, you will also show interest in getting to know each other better.
So, if you want to deepen your relationship in a beautiful and kinky way, here are 110 expert-approved questions to ask that would help kill your boredom.

- What is your micropower? A micropower is something that you’re unusually good at and improves your life in some small way (like a great sense of smell, sense of direction, very good memory, etc.)
- What is your microweakness? A microweakness is some weird, little weakness of yours that doesn’t really affect your life very much (like being bad at chopping up fruit, struggling to fold laundry quickly, clumsiness, etc.)
- If you had to survive an apocalypse, what type of apocalypse would you feel most confident surviving? Zombies, aliens, “The Purge” style government collapse, etc.
- If you were an animal, what kind would you be?
- What’s the weirdest thing that ever happened to you while having sex with someone?
- Do you have any “moves” when flirting or dates?
- If you get a chance to describe my fart, what smell would it be and why?
- What was the best day of your life? What about the worst day?
- If you could tell your parent(s) anything without consequence, what would you tell them?
- If you had to get a tattoo or another tattoo, what would you get and why?
- What accomplishment are you most proud of?
- What thing have you done that you’re most ashamed of or regret the most?
- With all the experiences and knowledge you have in your life today and you are given a chance to change your career, what would it be?
- What if your biggest goal for the next year?
- Who Was Your Favorite Teacher?
- If you could say what’s on your mind and not be interrupted, and I won’t, what would you love to express that you feel deeply about that people in the past have glossed over or dismissed.
- What place in the world would you love to go to that no one would imagine that you would love to see? And why?
- What are your top three favourite movies, and why?
- If you woke up tomorrow in the world was exactly the way you wanted it to be, how would that look, not just for yourself but for everyone?
- What are some of your darkest thoughts and how did you fight them?
- What are some of your brightest and greatest ideas you didn’t carry out that you still could or wish you could?
- What job did you think you would do when you were in primary school?
- What did you do today, this week etc at work?
- Where would you like to go on holiday this year?
- When would you like to change the car/bike/horse/house etc?
- Have you found any new apps/games you use on your phone?
- What is the worst movie you have ever seen?
- Should we get a pet?
- Do you want to go to the beach/mountains/country/city etc this weekend?
- What is the worst name you’ve heard?
- How I can make your life serene?
- Describe what giving my full attention to you means
- I love it when you??
- Do you think I’d ever hurt you
- What’s something you’d like me to improve on?
- Are you genuinely happy in this relationship?
- What does this relationship mean to you?
- What are the things you miss about me whenever we are apart?
- What’s your favourite physical part of me, and why?
- What’s your favourite sex position?
- How do I put you in the mood for the lovemaking?
- How is our sexual life? Are you okay with it?
- What are the sex positions you find very awkward?
- What are your sexual fantasies?
- What are you grateful for in this relationship?
- When was the last time you felt less appreciated by me?
- What is one thing that I still don’t know about you?
- What is my strangest quirk or characteristic?
- Where would you live if money was no object?
- If you could design a kitchen from scratch, what would it be?
- Where is one place that you’ve always wanted the live and why?
- How do you feel about being tied up (or tying me)?
- Which is better: morning sex or sex at night?
- Fast and hard, or slow and gentle?
- Do you like to be spanked? (Or the idea of spanking me?)
- What part of your body do you want me to explore more?
- What is something sexually that you’ve always wanted to try?
- What part of my body do you find attractive?
- What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done to impress a girl?
- How will you set up the first date with someone you just met?
- What do you want to be written on your/our tombstone when you/we die?
- Do you have a good relationship with your body?
- Would you rather be smart or good-looking?
- Would you rather be super rich or crazy in love?
- What was your favorite thing to do as a kid? Then go do it.
- What is the most exciting thing you think we can do for £10?
- What is something you have always wanted to try (this can be sexual or not)?
- What is something you haven’t told anyone?
- What has been the best year of your life?
- Starting tomorrow what is one new thing we can do?
- How could we rearrange this room?
- What is something you have always wanted to learn more about?
- How do you envision married life to be? Describe where you’d like to live, if you want children, division of household duties, etc.
- What is your love language? How does yours and your partner’s love languages differ?
- What is it about your love language that you feel you need most in your relationship?
- What can you do for each other to satisfy each other’s love language needs?
- What morals and values would you never compromise on?
- When was the last time you laughed so hard you couldn’t breathe?
- What was the worst interview you’ve ever been on?
- What will you do if you get a million dollars?
- How do you think our relationship will change if we get married?
- What song reminds you of our relationship?
- When we’re apart, what do you miss the most about me?
- What kind of things will we be doing ten years from now? Twenty years from now?
- Where do you see our relationship going?
- If you could change our relationship in any way, what would you change?
- Anything new you’d like for us to try together?
- Have you tried or learned anything interesting lately?
- What’s on your mind right now? Anything you’d like to talk about?
- How are you feeling emotionally and mentally?
- I’ve heard that kisses burn a lot of calories. Do you want to help me exercise?
- Guess what I’m wearing now under my clothes?
- If our story were a movie, what would it be?
- Who is more romantic, me or you?
- Which of our photos together is your favorite?
- What’s something within this past month you regretted and how do you wish things had gone differently?
- What’s been your happiest moment so far this year and why?
- What’s your biggest goal you’re focused on accomplishing?
- What do you feel is your biggest obstacle in life right now?
- What goals are you hoping to accomplish by the end of the year?
- What do you enjoy most about our relationship?
- What do you feel could use some improvement?
- What’s one thing you absolutely adore about me that keeps you coming back? What’s one way I can love you better?
- When we first started dating, what’s something you were afraid of telling me that seems silly now?
- What’s something new you’d like for us to try… right now?
- What’s something you’d like for us to do differently when we’re making love/having sex?
- What’s something sexy you like about me?
- Who does (name something sexy like kissing, foreplay, caressing) better?
- Remember the time you/I/we…(recall a fun or wild memory)?
- If we were in the middle of our living room, bored out of our minds what would you want us to do to escape our boredom?
KatinaTarver, a licensed RelationshipExpert
Span Chen, Founder of Thekarateblog
Mary Joye, LMHC
Kevin Coleman Marriage and Family Therapist Founder & Owner of Connected Therapy Practice
Jasper Chase Conversation and Communication Editor at Mantelligence
Shane Paarman, the founder and CEO of Awesome Stuff 365
Sam Curtis, a life coach and meditation teacher working
Alexa Davis, owner of self care blog Ambitiously Alexa
Mel Williams, Relationship Expert & HIS Lifestyle Coach