HomeAstrologyHow can Lama Fera Healing Change Your Life for Good?

How can Lama Fera Healing Change Your Life for Good?

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Lama fera is an ancient and effective technique used by Tibetan Lamas. It is meant to remove the dark forces, and negative energies from people’s bodies, homes, and offices to protect them from any damage.

Lama Fera is a combination of two words whereby Lama means a follower of Buddha’s thought and Fera means two and half times of revolution.

As this is an old Buddhist healing technique, it is said that you can invoke Lord Buddha’s assistance in resolving the underlying issue. In this method, his healing energy is channeled through the healer to the individual. Although it has a different way of healing than Psychic Reiki, it is said that Lama Fera has the highest power to get rid of the greatest level of negative energy. Immediately after the Lama-Fera session, the person feels sensations or strong vibrations and high energy levels. It does not have any side effects or cause bodily issues but provides mental strength, and a healthy mind and solves digestive problems.

During a healing session, a ritual is employed. It is not essential to touch the body to heal. It employs mantras, symbols, and their vibrations. The healer supports the person in getting energy from Lord Buddha to address a specific condition or disease. Recovery, according to practitioners, comes through the use of 12 symbols, which they are unable to discuss with anybody other than those studying this method. It relieves stress and despair. This treatment relieves anxiety and concerns. Negative energy and evil spirits are expelled. It improves memory and attentiveness. This happens as a result of meditation. The treatment also improves your willpower.

Lama Fera Healing Methods:


Healers use 12 distinct symbols to cure and protect various areas of the body, mind, and spirit. The symbols are extremely potent and may dispel the bad and negative energy that surrounds one’s aura.

Mantra Chanting:

Mantra chanting is an essential aspect of lama fera therapy. The ancient mantras utilized can promote profound relaxation and cure the mind. It contributes to the creation of a good atmosphere by fostering peace and harmony.

Hand movements: 

Various hand gestures are used by lama fera healers to channel energy and address physical and emotional imbalances. These techniques are used by practitioners to tap into the recipient’s energy field and eliminate blockages.


Meditation for healing assists in connecting with spiritual energy. During a healing session, healers can utilize this omniscient approach to awaken energy centers and channel healing energy into the entire body, working on both mental and physical well-being.

Benefits of Lama Fera

  1. Alleviates physical, mental, or emotional distress from your mind and body, making you feel lighter and more energetic.
  2. Heals you from any kind of blockages in your chakras or auric field.
  3. Helps to gain enlightenment and strength for better living.
  4. Eliminates fear, stress, and anxiety from your mind and calms your system.
  5. Accelerates spiritual growth and connects you to your subconscious mind. 
  6. Purifies the body and soul, protects against evil eyes and bad spirits, and awakens the soul.
  7. Unlocks easy flow in the 7 chakra that balances fire, air, water, earth, and space elements in your body.
  8. Cleansing and energizing the mind and body thus turning negative energies into positive ones. 
  9. Helps to relieve pain and discomfort caused due to chronic diseases.
  10. Acts as a medium to overcome the suffering caused by emotional traumas.


Unload the heaviness of the mind by eliminating all the harmful thoughts and memories, that make you feel stressed or anxious. Once your mind is clear of all the unnecessary thoughts, you can move towards the path of divine enlightenment.

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