HomeParenting10 Signs You’re a Great Parent

10 Signs You’re a Great Parent

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Being a parent is amazing, but it’s not easy. This is particularly true if you’re trying to be a good parent instead of a mediocre one. Being a wonderful parent is hard, but it’s certainly worth your energy, time, and effort.

If you’re trying to improve your parenting skills or wondering if you’re a good parent, here are ten signs that will help you figure everything out.

1. You’re ready for sacrifices

Some people might say that being a new parent isn’t really that hard, but be sure that these people are telling you lies. Being a new parent is one of the hardest things in the world, no matter how old you are and how much experience you have. This is literally a life-changing event, and you need to be ready to sacrifice everything you’ve got, from your free time to your sleep. But, if you’re OK with all that and stay focused on the amazing fact that you’ve got a child in your life now – you’re a great parent!

2. You’re ready to stay up all night 

Speaking of sacrifices, this is something parents all around the world are struggling with. Being up all night and still managing not to lose your mind during the day is a sign that you’re doing quite all right. It doesn’t matter if you’re breastfeeding your newborn or not – you still have to get up at least once or twice a night, and that’s far from easy. But, if you know this and are willing to lose your sleep so that your child can feel loved – you’re a great parent!

3. You don’t get mad

Being a first-time parent means you don’t know anything about parenting and are learning things as you go along. This is stressful and hard, and losing your temper is easy. You could start an argument with literally everyone around you, from your spouse to a random person on the street, but you need to be cool when you’re around your child. This isn’t easy, but if you do that – you’re a great parent!

4. You plan ahead

Learning things one day at a time is all right at first, but you’re going to need some kind of plan when your child gets older. Planning ahead and finding a suitable kindergarten and school for your loved one is a must, so start asap. You could also look for an amazing English learning centre because it’s never too early to start learning a new language. This is something that will mean the world to your children in their future, and if that’s something you do as well – you’re a great parent!

5. Your kid displays emotions

Even though most people don’t know that, you need to invest a ton of time, energy and focus on your kids’ emotions. Whether it’s anger, sadness, or happiness, your loved one needs to learn how to display these emotions, especially in front of you. If you manage to create a safe environment for them to do so – you’re a great parent!

6. Your child talks to you

Some children are shy and don’t like talking to strangers, while others are like that in front of their parents as well. Letting your kids know that they’re in a safe and protected environment is crucial for their development, and that’s something you have to insist on. If you do that and if your children come to you first whenever they’re hurt or dealing with a problem – you’re a great parent!

7. You know how to say ‘no’

Letting your kids do whatever they want may sound like the best way to keep them happy and quiet, but that’s not actually true. You need to teach them that some things are unavailable to them, and learning how to say ‘no’ to them is essential. This might not be easy at first, but you need to be persistent. If you do that and teach your kids about balance – you’re a great parent!

8. You’re always around

Lots of parents are having tons of problems balancing their work and their family, which is why they’re often not around. Being an absentee parent is one of the worst things in the world for your kid, so try not to do that. If you’re always around and are a part of their daily lives – you’re a great parent!

9. You treat others fairly

Being a parent means being tired, aggravated, and exhausted all the time, and that’s never a good thing. But, that doesn’t mean you need to be a bad person and treat everyone around you poorly. If you do that, your child will pick this behaviour up and start treating people in the wrong way as well. If you manage to teach your kids not to do that and teach them how to treat others fairly – you’re a great parent!

10. You laugh with your kids

Being a positive and happy person isn’t easy if you’re a parent, especially if you’re tired and haven’t exactly slept in months and years. But, you should at least try to laugh with your kids because this is one of the best things you can do for them. If you’re persistent and determined to find joy in your life every day of the week – you’re a great parent!

In the end, don’t forget to take it easy and act naturally. You don’t have to do much to be a great parent – just be there for your kids, treat them fairly, and teach them how to be good people, and that’s basically it.

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