HomeSex & RelationshipsWhen Healthy Eating Isn't Healthy: Not Every Food You Eat is Healthy

When Healthy Eating Isn’t Healthy: Not Every Food You Eat is Healthy

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It is no surprise that we are inundated with the “latest and greatest” miracle diets all around. Each one is making its own bold claims that if you subscribe to it, “you’ll lose all the stubborn fat you’ve struggled to get off” or “you’ll have that six-pack you’ve been looking for,” etc.

And while there may be truth to those claims, you are a unique individual with unique biology. And what works for one may not work for you.

One of the biggest things I see with patients when addressing dietary habits is this notion that if I subscribe to a particular diet- vegan, paleo, keto, Mediterranean, etc.; then I must be doing something right. However, that is an only partial truth. 

The truth of the matter is no diet is perfect. Food is very specific to each individual and their biological makeup. Some people do great with a more plant-based diet; others do not. Some people can get great results and feel amazing after fasting for more than 14 hours; others do not.

3 Healthy Foods That Aren’t Always Healthy

  1. Avocados – while high in good fats, avocados contain chemicals that mimic latex, also known as cross-reacting, and can trigger allergies. Bananas and kiwi are also on this cross-reactive list.
  2. Mangos – This delicious fruit weighs in at a whopping 45 grams of sugar, making it the highest sugar content of all fruits. For proper blood sugar control and If you are trying to lose weight, this is fruit should be avoided.
  3. Wheat – found in most breads, whether whole-grain or organic, it contains gluten, which is further broken down into gliadin and glutenin. Many people who test negative for a gluten allergy can still experience gut inflammation symptoms (bloating, constipation, cramping, brain fog, memory loss) after eating wheat because of a gliadin allergy. At this point, it is impossible to remove just the gliadin from the gluten molecule.

The important thing to do is to listen to your body. I often tell my patients, “The body whispers before it screams,” and what I mean by that is this: when you put something into your body, and you feel “off” like those unexplainable issues that are hard to pinpoint, that is the body whispering. When you feel bloated after eating or gassy, that is your body whispering.

When you struggle to find the right words when speaking, that is the body whispering. This presents itself in the most subtle of ways and should never be ignored. 

Do not wait until the body screams in the form of chronic pain and disease. Take action towards living a healthy life by tapping into your body’s whisper and finding the right foods for you.

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Dr. Brook Sheehan
Brook Sheehan is a functional medicine chiropractor at Cardiff Health and Wellness where she works with each system of the human body in order to reach optimal results for each patient. She looks beyond the symptoms to discover the root cause of why the body is expressing itself in that way and corrects the interference that causes dis-ease.

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