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A Smooth Transition: How to Take the Stress Out of Moving Day When You’re a Renter

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If you’re leaving a home that you’re particularly fond of or have lived in for a long time, emotions will inevitably be running high on moving day. Team this with never-ending paperwork, endless to-do lists, and a sea of packing boxes to navigate and it’s easy to become overwhelmed and therefore make mistakes.

Forgetting to do things or failing to correctly follow protocol before you move can cause a great deal of work and stress, and may even prevent you from claiming back your deposit.

Read on for some top tips to help you navigate the big day and make the transition of moving home a far more manageable one.

Laws and leases: know your rights

Couples Guide to Moving

Before the big day,  do a little bit of reading and fact-checking. Knowing your rights and feeling confident you know where you stand can take away a lot of the stress that comes with moving from a rental property. Although there is now plenty of legislation in place to protect tenants, the law does differ from state to state, so ensure that you’ve familiarized yourself with regulations in your area. Visit Avis discount code which will give you state-specific information about your rights when it comes to renting.

Make sure that you have your lease agreement to hand and look closely at the terms when it comes to expectations regarding the condition you’re expected to leave the property in.

Keep costs to a minimum

Things To Never Do, Immediately After Moving-in With Your Partner

Having to shell out lots of money when you’re moving can certainly cause stress levels to soar! Moving is an expensive business and it’s unlikely that you’ll get your deposit back on the day you move out. If possible, try and make your moving day at the weekend, so there’ll be friends and family around to help instead of having to pay professional removers. You can always thank them with a slap-up meal at your new pad afterward!

If you’ve not got lots of furniture and white goods to transport, you won’t need to pay for a large removal truck.  Consider hiring a van you can drive yourself instead of using a removal firm which will work out far cheaper. It’s sometimes possible to get discount codes and coupons at certain times of the year so have a look at sites such as coupon codes for suggestions on how to save money on your overall rental costs.

In the run-up to your moving day, check to see who you can get your broad and TV packages within the area you’re moving to. If possible, it may be a good time to change providers in order to take advantage of new customer deals and discounts.

Be proactive and keep your landlord onside!

Things To Never Do, Immediately After Moving-in With Your Partner

Being proactive, taking care of the details, and leaving the property in good condition will show that you are considerate and have looked after it. This will work in your favor should there be any discrepancies with the final checks and will also help to ensure you get your deposit back.

Do a deep clean before you move out, and on the day, make sure you’re not leaving anything behind that shouldn’t be there. Don’t forget to pay attention to any outside space and take out the trash too.

Remember to ask the property owner beforehand where you should leave your keys. If they use an agency to manage the property, you may be expected to drop them somewhere before you leave.

If it’s cold out, check to see whether the hot water and heating should be left on low or on a timer.

Final checks

Make sure you’re present when the property owner carries out the final inspection. This will allow you to clarify any issues or address any concerns. Ask for a written statement from the property owner regarding the condition of the property particularly if you suspect they may take deductions from your deposit. If this is the case, make sure you ask for a  detailed breakdown of the charges incurred. Go through the inventory in detail with the property owner, ensuring that you’re not accidentally taking something that belongs to them!

Don’t forget to take final meter readings from your gas and electricity meters and use your phone to take photos as evidence.

One of the biggest causes of stress for renters is not getting their deposit returned to them. However, if you’ve been a good tenant and have done everything by the book on moving day, this isn’t something you should need to worry about.

Finally, if things seem overwhelming or stressful, remind yourself of the good things that come with a move; stumbling across that perfect little café or bar at the end of the street, the joy of finding your way around the new neighborhood, and the possibility of meeting new people and forming new friendships.

Making sure you have people to help, staying calm and organized, and referring to a  comprehensive to-do list will ensure that your moving day is an (almost!) stress-free day.

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