HomeLifeAnxiety Management: 11 Approaches to End Worrying

Anxiety Management: 11 Approaches to End Worrying

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Why are you curious about anxiety management? Is it because you are struggling with anxious thoughts lately? 

There are many different reasons why people worry. In fact, it is a normal feeling, especially if there is an actual threat against you. But in other cases, intense worrying, leading you to chronic anxiousness, may result in anxiety disorders. Thus, it is essential to know the anxiety management approaches to get rid of excessive worries.

The most common types of anxiety are phobias, panic disorder (PD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

Aside from medications and therapy, there are other practices that you can do to reduce or manage it.

Here are some of these anxiety management approaches:

1. Prevent yourself from procrastinating

Procrastination can make you worry even more. Distract yourself from stressful thoughts and emotions. Don’t spend your time thinking about your problems. Take action by finding solutions to it instead. Just do something to redirect your attention away from any perturbing situation.

2. Breathe deeply

Although there are different breathing exercises, you can just focus on calmly inhaling and exhaling when feeling anxious. Deep breathing is an effective way to reduce worry and nervousness because it stimulates your body’s relaxation response.

3. Exercise mindfulness

As one of the anxiety management approaches, it is the trait of staying aware of the present moment. Stay in your time zone and stop worrying about what is going to take place. 

4. Go for a walk

Exercising is among the suggested anxiety management approaches since it helps combat anxiety. One of these physical activities you can do is walking. It releases muscle tension. As you do this, it diverts you from worrying. 

5. Seek social support

Spend time with your loved ones to find a sense of belonging and support. Positive touch can ease your feelings of anxiousness, such as hugging and simply tapping you on the shoulder. Share your burdens with them. You may as well choose to spend time with your pet. 

6. Try yoga and meditation

Take a yoga class because it aids in reducing stress and anxiety. Try to think deeply to anchor your body and mind in the present. Turn your thoughts around, be realistic, and let go of negativity. 

7. Limit caffeine consumption

Caffeine is usually found in energy drinks, chocolate, tea, and coffee. It can increase your anxiety when taken in high amounts, depending on your sensitivity to it. Thus, anxiety management discourages you from too much caffeine intake.

8. Light a candle

Take a yoga class because it aids in the reduction of stress and anxiety. Try to think deeply to anchor your body and mind in the present. Turn your thoughts around, be realistic, and let go of negativity.

9. Listen to the music you enjoy

Feel the relaxing effect as you listen to your choice of music. The calming effect it provides is adequate to get rid of worries. You should include this in your anxiety management steps.

10. Write down your thoughts

If you have no one to talk to, keeping a journal may help relieve anxiety. Write down your worries in life and the things you’re grateful for. It is one way to establish healthy communication with your inner self.

11. Try to laugh by watching a funny video

Are you aware that laughter is good for anxiety management? Laughing helps whenever you feel anxious. Spend time with people who have a sense of humor or watch a comedy show/movie. Learn how to laugh by finding humor in your daily life.

In a nutshell

Worrying is a sign of humanness. But you can reduce the pressure you feel whenever anxiety attacks you. Overcome your worries in life by learning to apply the anxiety management approaches that will work best for you.

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