HomeHerJourneyIdentify Your Talent With ExecuPrep by Dethra U Giles

Identify Your Talent With ExecuPrep by Dethra U Giles

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Who are we?

“ExecuPrep is a performance optimization consulting firm that really helps people, organizations identify their top talents and sculpt them to be the leaders of the organization in the future. Prior to starting ExecuPerp, I worked as an HR for a very large university, and I am actually a professor in the HR faculty teaching Human resources. I had understood the value and the impact on the organization from a bottom-line perspective, and I gained intrinsic value in doing so. As an employee, I can only do it for one organization, but as an entrepreneur, I can touch hundreds or thousands of organizations.” – Dethra

Morning Lazziness is bringing to you an interview session with Ms. Dethra U Giles, the founder of ExecuPrep and the author of the book ‘Unstuck Discovering Career Limiting Actions.’ During the conversation, we have managed to cover matters concerning an individual’s career life like the career-limiting action, Programs that ExecuPrep currently offers, and Dethra’s journey building ExecuPrep.

Launch of the year

“We are in the process of expanding and hiring, and by the end of this year, we will be bringing on a Chief operating officer. That aside, we are launching the Dare program this year; it stands for describing, acknowledging, reviewing, and engaging. It’s a formula that we teach people to implement when they are having tough conversations around diversity, equity and inclusion.” – Dethra

“Employ Preneurs”

“In one of my TedTalks, it’s called The Employ Preneur, and it isn’t about employees who are also entrepreneurs but about employees who understand that their career is actually their business. People should be managing their career like a business, as in my case, it wasn’t until I began managing my career like a business that I saw business success. There are various career-limiting actions that we often ignore and they grow as barriers in our career. So I really wanted to write a book that will unmask and help people figure out what those are and get them out of their way.” – Dethra

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